Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tips To Prevent Car Theft Your Keys. Nearly 20 percent of all vehicles stolen have the keys in them.
    Lock Your Car. Approximately 50 percent of all vehicles stolen were left unlocked.
    Never Hide a Second Set of Keys in Your Car. Extra keys can be easily found if a thief takes time to look.
    Park in Well-lighted Areas. Over half of all vehicle thefts occur at night.
    Park in Attended Lots. Auto thieves do not like witnesses and prefer unattended parking lots.
    If You Park in an Attended Lot, Leave Only the Ignition/Door Key. If your trunk and glovebox use the same key as the door, have one of them changed. Don't give the attendant easy access to your glovebox and trunk. Upon returning, check the tires, spare tire, and battery to be sure they are the same as those you had when you parked.
    Never Leave Your Car Running, Even if You'll Only be Gone For a Minute. Vehicles are commonly stolen at convenience stores, gas stations, ATMs, etc. Many vehicles are also stolen on cold mornings when the owner leaves the vehicle running to warm up.
    Completely Close Car Windows When Parking. Don't make it any easier for the thief to enter your vehicle.

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Tips To Prevent Car Theft

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